Monday 29 June 2020

Virtue Vs Vice

May be the reason, why Virtues are not being appreciated by people, is most of us are using as a disguise rather than as a quality. Hence the vice is becoming predominantly widespread through out the world.

Monday 8 June 2020

Self Motivation

"It's happiness that can keep us young". So we should enjoy what we do, we love, we like. I love nature. After so many blazing sunny days today the nature is so pleasant. It's taking me to new hopes.

Sunday 7 June 2020



Yes! I am learned
But I learned only what I know
And not learned the unknown
So don't take me granted for
The unknown learning.

Yes! I can unlearn 
Things that don't belong to me
But I relearn from anything
If it comes to me
So whether I unlearn or relearn 
Depends on the belonging.

Yes! I lead all the misleaders
That I'm mislead
For what they think of me to be misled
But in fact I am not mislead
Because I mislead the misleaders 
That I'm mislead.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


My mother nature is revitalising
With the touch of monsoon
Dripping wet the sands and lands
Changing the hues of the sky
Thyself is blithsome.
Thy blithe overwhelmed koel
That sings a rhythm joyously
Moving here and there over the trees
Bringing a gush of pleasure
The pleasure knows no reason
Thyself is blithsome.
The singsong overwhelmed thyself
Making me reply in the unknown frivolity
As the heartfelt musical notes 
Knows no invitations or boundaries
Thyself is blithsome.
Mother nature, Koel and Thyself...
For whom they are blithsome?!
For whom the invitation is?!
The receiver of mother nature is expected
The invitee of the koel is anticipated
But thyself is out of blue!

Monday 1 June 2020

I'm your Trainer!

Don't chase me,
Because no one can escape better than me!
Don't escape from me,
Because I am the trainer of chasing!!
I can lead anyone,
To a great path by my envision!
But I can be misleading,
If anyone gonna put me in their clutches!!
Don't try to panic me,
You will be terrified with my attitude of overcoming the fear!!
Don't hate me,
You will the love the way If I start hating!!
Don't love me,
You will become my victim if I start loving!!