Monday 5 October 2020

Real Royal Beauty

Beauty is 
The ease
The charisma
The confidence
The optimism
That forms the aura 
that gives aesthetic pleasure
That awakens all the six senses
That touches the heart
That satisfies soul
That becomes Real Royal Beauty
But not just the appearance
That stops with the satisfaction of eyes!

Wednesday 29 July 2020

Darling Thoughts

You said, "Don't have higher expectations"
And now, You are beyond expectations!
You said, "You don't know my calibre"
And now, your calibre is immesurable!!
You said, "Not to praise your deeds and thoughts"
And now, you are beyond exaggeration!
You said, "I'm an innocent"
And now, you are exceptionally scintillating!!
You said, "I'm immetured"
And now, it's proved that you are the most metured gentle man of all kinds!!!
In what ways shall I reach you other than all these?
Except the only path of surrendering my purest form of love to you!!!!

Monday 29 June 2020

Virtue Vs Vice

May be the reason, why Virtues are not being appreciated by people, is most of us are using as a disguise rather than as a quality. Hence the vice is becoming predominantly widespread through out the world.

Monday 8 June 2020

Self Motivation

"It's happiness that can keep us young". So we should enjoy what we do, we love, we like. I love nature. After so many blazing sunny days today the nature is so pleasant. It's taking me to new hopes.

Sunday 7 June 2020



Yes! I am learned
But I learned only what I know
And not learned the unknown
So don't take me granted for
The unknown learning.

Yes! I can unlearn 
Things that don't belong to me
But I relearn from anything
If it comes to me
So whether I unlearn or relearn 
Depends on the belonging.

Yes! I lead all the misleaders
That I'm mislead
For what they think of me to be misled
But in fact I am not mislead
Because I mislead the misleaders 
That I'm mislead.

Wednesday 3 June 2020


My mother nature is revitalising
With the touch of monsoon
Dripping wet the sands and lands
Changing the hues of the sky
Thyself is blithsome.
Thy blithe overwhelmed koel
That sings a rhythm joyously
Moving here and there over the trees
Bringing a gush of pleasure
The pleasure knows no reason
Thyself is blithsome.
The singsong overwhelmed thyself
Making me reply in the unknown frivolity
As the heartfelt musical notes 
Knows no invitations or boundaries
Thyself is blithsome.
Mother nature, Koel and Thyself...
For whom they are blithsome?!
For whom the invitation is?!
The receiver of mother nature is expected
The invitee of the koel is anticipated
But thyself is out of blue!

Monday 1 June 2020

I'm your Trainer!

Don't chase me,
Because no one can escape better than me!
Don't escape from me,
Because I am the trainer of chasing!!
I can lead anyone,
To a great path by my envision!
But I can be misleading,
If anyone gonna put me in their clutches!!
Don't try to panic me,
You will be terrified with my attitude of overcoming the fear!!
Don't hate me,
You will the love the way If I start hating!!
Don't love me,
You will become my victim if I start loving!!

Tuesday 19 May 2020

My Confidence

My Confidence be like...
If I start research on something or someone,
I'll unleash everything about it/them.
But when others start studying about me,
I'll let others know what only I want to let them know.
No more interpretations other than,
Given, proven, shown by me.

Sudden Instincts

Starting the day with the philosophical life,
Fulfilling the goals of life, 
Riding in the beautiful morning,
Chuckling with the tickling thoughts of heart,
Humming the apt situational lyrics, Revelling with the touch of the Sunrays, Falling in love with the churning moods,
Awakening the dead spirit of lost protess, Opening the new diary of creativity,
Signing into the new chore of life.

Sunday 17 May 2020


Finding answers in silence
Be like...
Traveling in the spaceship.
We are not sure,
Whether we are landed on 
The Sun or The Venus or The Saturn.....

Saturday 16 May 2020




Far away from the concrete city,

Passing through the paddy fields, meadows and greeneries!

Touched by the gentle lovely cool breezes,

Watching the birds who have come for their morning meeting,

And from whom the pupils have to learn discipline,

Enjoying the view of every leave, every blade of grass and flower!

As the aftermath of rain is making them shine in the beam of the Sun,

Listening to the chirping of birds,

The cozy warmth of Nature is churning the moods,

What an awesome feeling!

Finally, it's getting ready to serve the purpose,

The hunger of the man!

The farmer is pride in being the reason,

Like a father feels the pride of giving his daughter's hand,

To the bridegroom during the wedding,

The people should congratulate the farmer for the fruitful production

As a woman may be the most beautiful or intellectual,

Or can be the best individual who can do anything,

She bows her head to fulfil the purpose of the universe,

Just like the fruitful production of the farmer!

To consecrate it for mankind!

Friday 15 May 2020


Mother is the only person who can sacrifice anything for her children!

If there is anything that we say the word "LOSS"

It’s surely the absence of our loving parents on this 'EARTH'.

The first person who wish me Happy New Year EVERY YEAR is no more!

But still, it's incredible to believe in the fact!

This is my sincere deference to MOM!

Your absence may separate us physically,

But not your love, blessings and motherly protection!

As your care and blessings are metaphysical!!

The way You made us grow up is inspirational!

The food you made for us will be relished forever!

The sacrifices you have made for us are treasured!

As they can’t be elapsed easily with the passage of time!

I may not be perfect in sharing all my feelings,

Due to the tears and pain, I have for you,

But I always cherish your memories!!!


Not only every blade of the grass and leave in nature

But the cosmos is delighted to own it!

Earth is its kingdom,

The sky has become it’s home!

It journeys from heaven to earth to accomplish its goal,

Heavenly water craves to satisfy its thirstiness by casting of clouds,

For it’s serene and down to earth appearance,

Earth springs it’s heart to place it,

Such an astounding reflection of nature we have!

Dawn and Dusk, though a repetition,

We can explore nothing but it’s beauty!

As Beautiful season has started more beautifully,

Making the blooming flowers spread their fragrances,

Across the ways to grab the attention of butterflies,

The cool breezes making heavy rice weevils ruffle slowly,

Like a young lady who is blossomed forth,

Awakening the aesthetic pleasure!!

Recharging the confidence levels!!

I'm better by myself

I'm small,
Small enough to escape from endangered species
I'm failed,
Failed to surge the pain of attacks!!
I'm incompetent,
Incompetent to tolerate dramas!!!
I'm fallen,
Fallen to find ultimate levels of my own version!!!!
But then...
Still, I'm outstanding,
Outstanding enough to be blessed!
Still, I'm successful,
Successful in deciphering the lucifers of my life!!
Still, I'm capable,
Capable of attaining what I deserve!!!
Still, I raise,
Raise to the level of an indomitable spirit!!!!
Because ...
I'm the altruistic, blissful, clingy... Xanadu, yielding and Zaddik woman!

What do you deserve?!

In the name of sweetheart,
One enters to buzz the freaky mind,
Stands alone to be the reason to open up,
Brightens the world with dreams no one knows,
Utters all the sweet things dipped in honey,
Listens even reckons from the heartbeat to the footsteps,
Counts on each and every move not known even to heart,
Conquers the divine heart as the divine king,
Enchants the mellow frankness to blow with ecstasy,
Soulmate becomes toxic never before ever after
All of a sudden everything changed and now
Deserve only nullification and goodbye for all the
Pretensions and become airy nothing...
And nothing else just nothing else!

It's "ME"

I'm not "beautiful"
But the affection showered on me makes me "pretty"!
I can't tolerate "attitudes"
But behaviours shown teach me "fortitude"!!
I'm not strong enough to face "difficulties"
But adversities make me "potential"!!!
I don't have knowledge to tower my life,
But my heroic deeds make me "wise"!!!!

Triumphant in many adventures
And ready for any number!
Get any touchstone,
Use any parameter,
To test my character my fortitude won't be dissipated!!
Don't challenge me with a delusory pretence
Cause my proactiveness would
Stir up my tantrums that evoke
My intuition to recalibrate my bravery!!!

Monday 11 May 2020

It's Ambiguity Time

Life is too ironical!!!
Sometimes we think that 
We know everything and become fools, 
As we know nothing!
Sometimes we think that 
We know nothing and become ignorant, 
As we know everything!
The only solution to this ambiguity is 
To listen to your mind, heart and soul,
There ends the matter!