Friday 15 May 2020


Mother is the only person who can sacrifice anything for her children!

If there is anything that we say the word "LOSS"

It’s surely the absence of our loving parents on this 'EARTH'.

The first person who wish me Happy New Year EVERY YEAR is no more!

But still, it's incredible to believe in the fact!

This is my sincere deference to MOM!

Your absence may separate us physically,

But not your love, blessings and motherly protection!

As your care and blessings are metaphysical!!

The way You made us grow up is inspirational!

The food you made for us will be relished forever!

The sacrifices you have made for us are treasured!

As they can’t be elapsed easily with the passage of time!

I may not be perfect in sharing all my feelings,

Due to the tears and pain, I have for you,

But I always cherish your memories!!!

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